Take Your Brand and Business to The Next Level.
An Award Winning Management Consultancy
and Branding Agency.

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We help CEOs, executives, authors & entrepreneurs dramatically turn up the volume on their personal brands.
Contemplating a company rebrand? Our rebranding agency will fortify your brand’s future relevance and enduring impact.
Our personalized Leadership Executive Coaching Process is meticulously crafted for high-performing leaders who want to unlock unexpected results in themselves and those around them.
We offer a forum to align your leadership team on your organization’s future brand and strategy.
Work with Karen Tiber Leland & Sterling Marketing Group

- Rent My Brain Session
- Brand Consulting
- Webinars & Keynotes
- “Done For You” Services
- Off-Sites
- Fractional CMO
We partner with clients across the globe to build stronger personal and business brands.
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Case Studies
Conducted a series of talks/workshops sponsored by Apple for small businesses across the US on building a competitive brand.
I am searching for adjectives that describe your presentation. Words like professional, experienced, sensational, stimulating, dynamic and inspiring come to mind.
Facilitated a two-day executive team retreat to create a brand strategy and achieve buy in from all participants.
Because of your work we are proceeding to the next level in our brand and our group of executives are unanimously aligned.
Orlando Magic
Led a one-day brand strategy session to address and solve priority issues.
Your consulting was insightful and very practical. I have immediately been able to apply it to address specific brand issues within the organization.
Led a series of webinars and live workshops for Forums and groups around the world on creating a CEO brand.
The comments I received such as dynamic, interactive, energetic and immediately usable – indicate the take home value you provided.
Hoffman Institute
Ongoing consulting for brand strategy, ideation and implementation.
Your generous support and expertise have helped us to overcome many obstacles and achieve enduring growth and success in building a world class brand.
Taming Your Alpha Bitch
Implemented a blogger outreach program to help promote the client’s book to NYT best seller status.Worked as a fractional CMO to create new award-winning website, significant media placement (New York Times, CNN etc.) and increase social media following and engagement by more than 1000%.
Thank you so much for being an integral part of the team that got my book to New York Times Best-Seller list.
Yoga with Weights for Dummies
Worked with the author to write a top-notch book proposal that resulted in the book being sold to a top ten publisher.
You led me thorough this process with great success. Your insights into social networking and public relations was priceless.
Fedx Kinkos
Gave a keynote speech at conference on the power of personal branding.
Your session was fast-paced, fun and interactive. We have received some great feedback and as you know we have a tough group to please.
Bank of America
Led Brand Ambassador© training for groups of leaders across the United States.
I wanted to let you know how outstandingly positively our experience with your company was. The influence of your training was felt far beyond the online classroom.
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Where Does Your Brand Stand?
This simple nine-question quiz will help you easily determine what phase your personal or business brand is in and how to move it to the next level.
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