Our team is still buzzing with excitement from last weekend’s session. You are nothing short of a strategic magician!

T. Cruz, President

The consulting you did with us for The Theatrical Culinary Project was invaluable. You helped us gain greater clarity about how to articulate the deeper brand of our project, promote it with powerful language and prepare our materials in a way that inspired confidence.  Whether entertainment or finance, your work is broadly applicable.

M. Hunter
Director feature film, American Reject

Karen you have been fantastic to work with!  The conversations we have had have triggered me to think about how to leverage my personal strengths and interests.  Our discussions led me to think about my motivations with a fresh perspective and helped take my personal brand to a whole new level. I’d recommend anyone looking to develop their personal brand to seek you out for your invaluable services!

T. McEnery
CEO, Cooper’s Hawk Winery

If you are a CEO who develops future leaders yet doesn’t take the time to develop yourself, that’s where Karen excels. It won’t cost you much to rent Karen’s brain, but you’ll be glad that you did. I sure am.

J. McAdam
Author, The One-Hour Business Plan and Former Instructor, Wharton Small Business Development Center

You are a powerful, positive, asset in any circumstance, whether serving as a personal brand consultant, business coach or book editor. You have supported me often over the years, most recently in writing my first book. You provided insight into the underlying value of my story, life experience and deep seeded knowledge and contributed a clearing for introspection and creativity. Our time together was a positive, creative design process highlighted by inspiration, insight and quite a lot of humor. The entire experience was immensely engaging and ultimately, to the end, joyful in its outcome.

J. B. Kimmel
author, Self: The Vast World Behind Your Words

This was hands down one the most effective strategy off-sites I have ever done.

M. Riley
CEO, EnPro Industries

Karen is an invaluable visionary leader. As one of the first women to graduate from Le Cordon Bleu wine management program in Paris, building my personal brand was essential. Her work on creating my website and her actionable strategic plan empowered me for success with my book. I could not have done this without her enthusiasm and trailblazing brilliance!

P. Moulton
Wine Journalist & Educator

You provided actions we could take back to our companies and realize immediate improvements in our brands. In addition to these benefits, your presentation was dynamic and entertaining. The interest was so high that we all hated to end the session.

H. James, CEO Club Coordinator
Chief Executive Officer’s Club

Thank you for a truly thought provoking, action stimulating brand session. Your style and sense of humor made the experience one my team will not forget.

J. H., Human Resources Manager
Milgard Windows

You clarified my CEO brand in a way I never imagined. The seemingly little things such as your guidance on my new headshots, my revised LinkedIn, and my CEO positioning were invaluable in creating my personal brand.

Chris Richardson, Founder
Richardson Properties & Christie’s International Real Estate

My experience of the color strategy work is nothing short of remarkable. I feel more like myself in these colors & clothes…

J. Boyd

You are a great presenter! You are so real and everything you said is actionable. I was receiving lots of messages during the presentation about how great it was and thanking me for bringing you in.

T. Torlakson
She Shares, Strategic Event Planner

You were able to translate the ideas in my head about who I am as a CEO into a top-notch LinkedIn profile and powerful personal brand. In just a few short sessions, the clarity I gained about my CEO brand will support me for years to come.

O. Butenko, CEO
VY Esports

Karen’s experience with publishing and mastery of technical skills, combined with an artist’s flare and her enthusiasm for the creative process, allows her to see the potential in any project. We started with concepts and ideas resembling a pile of rubble, then Karen’s uncanny ability to draw out salient points and bring structure to the creative process allowed us to construct a solid foundation on which to build our book.

J. Goodnight
International Horse Trainer and Founder, Goodnight Academy

You do a first-class job of sorting out and clarifying what goes into world-class branding.

A. Wilke, Senior VP Operations
Mary Kay

Wow! Your session has had the utmost positive responses from the attendees, you have made a direct impact on the success of my organization because of your dynamic program.

D. Lutkenhouse VP Customer Services
Perkin Elmer

I worked with Karen to help my CEO find his own personal brand.  She was able to deftly and effectively separate how he showed up to the company and how he presented himself to the public to leverage an effective personal brand.  In a very short time, she was able to dig deeply into who he was as a person. Then using her experience and Branding framework she was able to derive the essence of what makes him great. This was then translated into a concise branding plan.  I would recommend her to anyone looking to take their personal brand to the next level.

T. Koenigsberg
CMO, Cooper’s Hawk Winery

You were a skilled guide in pulling out the very best of what I have to offer in writing my book proposal for Wiley Publishers. You led me thorough this process with great success and your insights into social networking and public relations was priceless. Lastly your enthusiasm and energy made you an absolute joy to work with.

S. Baptiste
Author, Yoga with Weights for Dummies, Baptiste Power of Yoga

I could not have achieved this level of quality on my own. I am grateful to you for your expertise and for setting me up for success with my personal brand and book on a world stage. As a mentor you are helpful, fun to work with, responsive, and efficient.

B. Schulte, CEO
Center for Equestrian Performance and High-Performance Coach

I was impressed with your ability to present practicle steps to branding and engage everyone’s attention and participation, despite the large number of people in the audience.

K. Tatsui
State Bar of California

I can’t thank you enough for the skills you brought to my e-Book project. Your keen ability to get the essence of my message, and details of my content, out of my mind and onto paper was exceptional. I appreciate not only your skill as a writer, but your business consulting background, which has made you invaluable to me as a marketing consultant.

J.K. McHugh YPO
Forum Retreat Leader and author of The Honest Executive

For years, we have struggled with telling people what our unique offering is and positioning ourselves to capture the clients we can best serve. You were able to understand my business quickly and efficiently position us so that people understand what we do and opt in. You were instrumental in the major rebrand for my company, setting us up to scale. We saw results right away. Your no-nonsense and direct professionalism means things happen quickly and at the very highest standard.

J. Klein
CEO Inner Matrix Systems

Thank you for being a guest on the show. I appreciate you taking the time to share yourself with our viewers and studio audience.

Oprah Winfrey
The Oprah Winfrey Show

Karen you delivered on exactly what I was looking for—a way to help me accurately and succinctly position myself to the professional community. You are a strong listener, an innovative thinker, and a pleasure to work with.

E. Rollert, Global Head Partnership

You bring a keen sensibility to CEO branding I’ve rarely seen. Your work with my YPO chapter – a very discerning audience – received rave reviews. Personally, I have found your one-on-one expertise and advice for my personal and business brand to be invaluable.

J. Faupel
Founder Realm

I can’t thank you enough for the guidance and expert advice you have provided me in re-branding my LinkedIn profile and strategic use of the site. I never realized the strength of LinkedIn’s dynamic outreach among professional contacts. Since revamping my presence and following your recommendations, the number of contacts that have reached out to me have increased on a weekly basis. I am blown away.

T. Souers, Partner
Corcoran Global Living, CA

Thank you so much for being an integral part of the team that got my book to New York Times Best-Seller status. Your responsiveness, attention to detail and professionalism made you easy to work with. Your work was a resounding success and enhanced my online presence significantly.

C. Whitman
New York Times Best-Selling author Taming Your Alpha Bitch: How to be Fierce and Feminine and Get Everything You Want!

Your message was right on and your delivery was captivating.

L. Gudis, Senior VP
University of Phoenix

In one phone conversation you gave me the perfect advice I needed to revise my book. That conversation shifted everything for me.

K. Hermanson, PHD
Author of Getting Messy: A Guide to Taking Risks and Opening the Imagination

Your knowledge of personal productivity combined with your marketing and branding expertise, make you an exceptional resource for showing entrepreneurs how to achieve their highest visions and most important goals in a sane and steady fashion. Your work is clear, full of energy and fun.

A. Baniel
Founder of the AnatBaniel Method and best selling author Move Into Life

Our President, Executives and more than 200 managers who participated in your program shared their overwhelming positive feedback. You are engaging, dynamic and knowledgeable.
I applaud your ability to consistently connect the everyday activities of our operation with our brand.

M. Akle, Director Quality Service and Communication

High praise for both the style and substance of your presentation. You delivered all that we had hoped for – and we started with very high expectations. We could not have asked for more.

K. McCarren CEO
Pizza Hut Franchise Holders Association

After the color strategy work, I realized that for most of my life I’d been picking clothes (and colors) that I thought would make me fit in. Now I’m dressing in colors and styles that fit my own essence. It’s like coming home to myself.

C. Holliday, Actor and Leadership Trainer.

I want to extend our appreciation for your outstanding presentation at our last four major events. You rated a 3.9 on a 4.0 scale among thousands of attendees. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.

B. Murphy, Conference Producer

When I need a marketing consultant for my own business, I turn to you, Karen. You have a mind like Yoda, and bring humor, insight, clarity and structure to the most difficult conundrums. You cut through mind clutter to create diamonds. Your significant knowledge of both sides of the media – as a journalist and expert resource make you a Go To Girl for today’s online and offline marketing and branding challenges.

S. Harrow
bestselling author of Selling Yourself Without Selling Your Soul

We needed a dynamic keynote speaker for our event to set the tone. Karen you fit our needs exactly. You were humorous, knowledgeable and flexible.

R. Bull Senior VP.
Delta Dental

I’m reflecting on our Rent My Brain sessions with so much gratitude. Thank you for your invaluable insight on my personal brand, you have an uncanny ability to listen to what is being said and hear the deeper message behind the words.

A. Weiser, Producer and Dramaturg

You kept hundreds of attendees involved and energized through the entire video conference. You have a way of getting an audience to participate that is truly unique and effective.

A. Ionson
V.P. General Business, IBM

You made a lasting impact beyond first impressions to our group of presidents. The comments I received such as dynamic, interactive, energetic and immediately usable – indicate the take home value our membership gained.

B. Williams, Education Chairman

After our color strategy session, I completely changed the look, feel and logo on my website. I can’t believe how much more on brand my marketing collateral is with my business brand.

C. Fernaux, CEO and Country Western Singer.

I wanted to let you know how outstandingly positively our experience with your company was. The influence of your training was felt far beyond the online classroom.

D. Campitelli, Director of Training.
Bank of America

Your work has a keen sensibility not usually found in comparable consulting. I continue to be impressed with its quality and your results.

E. Hinton, Director of Professional Development
Fidelity Investments

You deliver! I’ve used hundreds of presenters for our conferences and seminars for the American Management Association. You were rated outstanding by a challenging audience of presidents and CEOs of fast-growing companies. Your materials and message were right on target.

M. Sholod, Director Events Marketing
American Management Association

Karen you did an outstanding job of helping me to clarify the topics, tone and style for my blog. You listened to what I needed and challenged my thinking. You delivered on-time, on-budget, in a professional and friendly way.

J. Foley
Former Blue Angel

Wow! We are not an easy group to reach with the diversity of the audience. The outcome exceeded my wildest expectations.

R. Maddox, Director of Retail
The Salvation Army

I found your consulting insightful and very practical. I have immediately been able to apply it to address specific brand issues within the organization.

J. Lutz, Senior Project manager
Orlando Magic

Thank you for the wonderful off-site consulting session. I was especially impressed by your ability to involve the participants, and your sense of humor made time fly.

S. Rice, Director
University of Southern California

Participants loved the interaction and specific take-away ideas in your presentation. I really appreciate your going the extra mile to tailor the talk for our group; this came through loud and clear on the evaluations.

L. Basham, Director of Education and Communications
Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals

We were so impressed with your ability to keep us on track while helping assemble our brand plan. Even more impressive were the results of our work in the branding session. We now have a focused action plan and have assigned timeframes to ensure they are implemented.

C. Neuens CEO
Christ Hospital Medical Center

The consulting you provided was extremely valuable. Your experience and perspective were critical in helping us design a brand strategy that meets all our business brand objectives.

L. Baskin, Senior Manager Credit

The many positive comments I heard from the audience mirror my own feelings that any business can use exceptional branding to gain a competitive advantage in today’s marketplace.
Your presentation was practical and professional while at the same time warm and humorous.

G. Wollin, Program Chairman
The Commonwealth Club of California

There is a definitive time period I mark as Pre-The Brand Mapping Strategy© and Post. Working with Karen was a monumental experience and resulted in direct growth (including partnerships with Apple, Whole Foods Foundation, and Fujifilm). There is no doubt this is directly related to what we learned working with Karen and her expertise in how to best share our mission and model.

A.Popplewell, CEO
100 Cameras.Org

Your thorough understanding of branding and our industry, combined with your highly effective communication with our member audience provided an invaluable contribution.

W. Dickerson Director of Education
American Booksellers Association

Your Brand Ambassador training session was informative, thought provoking and (don’t repeat this) fun. Thank you for the learning and laughing.

S. Kravitz Director Relationship Marketing
Chart House Restaurants

We engaged Karen for the purpose of rebranding and rebuilding the Lynne Twist brand and Soul of Money website. Karen’s expertise and knowledge of the branding process was thoroughly captivating. She worked with our team to ensure that our voices were heard and that the expression of our work and message online was accurate and compelling.

L. Twist, best-selling author
The Soul of Money

Thank you for the outstanding presentation. The feedback was extremely positive and enthusiastic. The ideas your presented will facilitate our mission to provide a superior brand.

E. Mosley District Manager
United States Postal Service

As CMO for various public companies, I’ve worked with many agencies and consultants in the area of Social Media. Karen’s knowledge, skill, and lucidity on this subject matter is hands-down the best I’ve experienced. She takes a very complicated issue and makes it easy to understand, practical, and actionable.

A. Morehouse, SVP Corporate Strategy

Your energy and enthusiasm never lagged. Despite the large number of people on the video conference. You were able achieve a great deal of audience participation. Thank you for a splendid session.

J. Tuttle Corporate Training Director
Harveys Casino Resorts

The design and color choices you came up with for my pitch deck had a dramatic impact on how my message was received and the audiences very positive response. I could not be more thrilled at how such a seemingly small detail had such a big impact.

H. Maggie, CIO

Thank you for your facilitation at our advisory council meeting. Our people were all extremely positive on both your content and warm delivery!

H. Pate, VP customer relations
Seagram Canada

Your session was fast-paced, fun and interactive. We have received some great feedback and as you know we have a tough group to please.

A. Campbell Director of Training
Kinko’s Federal Express

Your focus on the role of technology in today’s challenging business brand environment was referred to by the participants as enlightening.

R. Lysaght V.P. Business Marketing

You made a lasting impact beyond first impressions to our group of presidents. The comments I received such as dynamic, interactive, energetic and immediately usable – indicate the take home value our membership gained.

B. Williams, Education Chairman

Because of your work we are proceeding to the next level in our brand and our group of executives are unanimously aligned. Without your help, I would not have been able to help them see this vision.

R. Frain, VP retail accounting
Coors Brewing Company

Rather than people paying attention to what I am wearing, people are receiving what I am saying in a whole new way. I feel received and connected in a way I have not experienced before.

M. Pierson
Executive Coach

I have attended many webinars over the years, and I must tell you that I have never gained as much out of a few short hours as I acquired at your session.

A. Levinson Director Organizational Development Team
Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida

I just wanted to thank you for the incredible color strategy work you did with me. As a CEO who is in front of audiences all the time, I am amazed at the difference wearing the colors in my “tone,” has made in the impression I make on others. I feel that my whole personal CEO brand has been greatly unleveled by the color strategy.

A. Young
CEO, Laughlin Associates & The Unshackled Owner

I must confess that your session on executive branding was the biggest eye opener I have had in years. It was also one of the best presentations I have had the opportunity to attend.

H. Cowell Managing Director
SC Johnson Wax

Before Sterling we didn’t really know how to talk about our work. We were simply too close to it. The Brand Map© work Karen took us through gave us a way for our worldwide team to use the same language to talk about who we are, what we do,and how we do it. That has not just transformed our marketing and collateral but our overall strategy as well.

C. Boudreaux, Founder
Miracle Foundation.org and United Nations Humanitarian Award Recipient

Your webinar on executive presence was dynamic, vibrant, and absolutely packed with actionable insights! Our community of C-Suite professionals had only wonderful feedback about the presentation, saying that they feel empowered and capable to now take ownership over their own personal and professional brand.

M. Fahl, Content Manager
IVY Exec.

Your generous support and expertise have helped us to overcome many obstacles and achieve enduring growth and success in building a world class brand.

R. Ingrasci, Founder
Hoffman Institute

Your assistance at our meeting was fantastic! Your process was high caliber, entertaining and thought-provoking. You have set the stage for AT&T to truly show our clients that we are their brand partners now and in the future.

K. Teubner Regional Vice-President

It was kind of you to share your work with me, and I am grateful for your generosity and support.

President Bill Clinton
The White House

Over six hundred people gave you an average rating of 4.8 on a scale of 5. This is a close to an A+ as one can get. Your assistance has been invaluable to us in our brand and customer journey.

C. Kendig VP Quality & Customer Satisfaction

Your work is entertaining and informative, but most of all effective. You deliver the tools necessary to deliver on the promise of our brand.

D. Zatkowsky, Marketing director

Your seminar was a refreshing and straightforward. It was just what we needed. The fact that you can deliver your message with humor and enthusiasm is a real plus. Days after our members are still reflecting on what you shared.

E. TEaster, Executive Director
Young Presidents’ Organization

A big, belated thank you for the tremendous job you did at our brand offsite. You helped us move through a significant piece of work in a short period of time.

S. Hale, VP Marketing Communications
Pacific Bell

I am searching through an electronic thesaurus trying to identify the adjectives that describe your presentation. Words like professional, experienced, sensational, stimulating, dynamic and inspiring come to mind.

J. Meldrum, Marketing Manager
Apple Computer, Inc.

Karen is dynamic, experienced, and committed to her clients. Over the several years that she guided our marketing strategy, she demonstrated deep curiosity and appreciation for our mission — and then translated that into meaningful thought leadership. She was instrumental in starting our blog from scratch as well as getting us published in top-tier publications. I’m grateful for the burst forward in our brand that she provided.

S. Hughes, CEO
Learning as Leadership

Your ideas were thought provoking and your brand strategy session lively and entertaining. Your ideas will help us to focus our efforts as we raise the bar on our company brand.

R. Borneo, Vice Chairman
Macy’s West.

Since implementing your brand strategies our customer service index has risen over 2 percentage points. Your strategies have become my favorite blueprint.

C. Cormany, V.P. Customer Relations
Roswell Infiniti

Book Writing & Promotion

Brand Strategy Off Sites

Branding & Marketing Strategy and Implementation

Color Strategy

Personal, Executive & CEO Branding

Rent my Brain Sessions

Webinars, Trainings & Keynote Speaking