
Evan Horowitz, CEO of Movers+Shakers, shares insights on leveraging TikTok for brand building, emphasizing its suitability for consumer products and user participation. He advises being native to the platform, avoiding copy-pasting, and maintaining an optimistic tone. With a focus on spreading joy, Movers+Shakers has set records with viral TikTok campaigns, making them a leading agency for brands on the platform.

There are different kinds of brand building and some of them are designed for top-of-funnel; they are all about getting people to see you and know you are. Share on X

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Evan Horowitz is CEO and Co-Founder of the creative studio Movers+Shakers in Brooklyn, New York. Tune in for an engaging chat about what brands TikTok is best suited for, what not to do, and why the platform is about more than just talking dog videos.

  • TikTok is primarily a top-of-funnel campaign platform and is best suited for consumer products.
  • Leverage user participation in creative ways such as the ELF Cosmetics viral campaign.
  • Be native to the platform, don’t copy-paste — show up in a way that makes sense with the conversations people are already having.
  • Don’t forget the tone on TikTok. This platform is a decidedly optimistic place.

About Our Guest

Evan Horowitz founded creative studio Movers+Shakers in order to spread joy.  They’re breaking engagement records with unexpected digital activations, and creating deep emotional connections between brands and consumers.

After setting the record for most viral TikTok campaign in history, Movers+Shakers became “the go-to agency for brands making moves on TikTok” (Refinery29).  They’re amassed over 50 billion views for their clients, including fast-growing brand channels, influencer and ad campaigns, and more massively viral challenges.

Evan is an Entrepreneur-In-Residence at Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs, and a holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and a BS Engineering from Stanford.

For Evan’s industry insights, follow him on LinkedIn.

About Karen Tiber Leland, Brand Strategist 

Karen Tiber Leland is the founder of Sterling Marketing Group, a New York City branding, marketing, and color strategy and implementation firm helping CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs develop stronger personal, business, and team brands. Her clients include Cisco, American Express, Marriott Hotels, Apple Computer, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

She is also the best-selling author of nine traditionally-published business books that have sold over 400,000 copies and been translated into 10 languages. Her most recent book is The Brand Mapping Strategy: Design, Build and Accelerate Your Brand. She regularly writes for and and has had articles published in Self, The Los Angeles Times, American Way, The Boston Globe, and many others.

Karen has spoken for Harvard, The AMA, Direct Marketing Association, and Stanford, among others. She has been interviewed on The Today Show, CNN, CNBC, and Oprah.

Get in touch with Karen on Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

Resources for Brand Strategy, Personal Branding, CEO Branding and Marketing Strategy 

If you’re looking to optimize your time, be more productive, and fine-tune your routine, I invite you to pre-order my latest book No Nonsense Time Management: 50 Smart Solutions, Powerful Habits & Proven Time Hacks To Make The Most of Your Day.

At SMG we serve clients across the United States, Europe, and Asia. Currently, we have 3 onsite locations:

  1. Looking For a New York City Marketing and Branding Strategist? Book an Initial Consult 
  2. Want a Business Brand Strategy Session in Austin, Texas? Book an Initial Consult  
  3. Need Some Help with CEO or Personal Branding San Francisco Bay Area? Book an Initial Consult  

Tweetables and Quotes to Share

It’s really all about seeing what’s working, what’s not, and making fine-tuned adjustments as we go. PODCAST: @KarenFLeland 

When something isn’t working, don’t try to fix everything at once, try changing just one element at a time. PODCAST: @KarenFLeland 

You’re not building the whole wall at once, you’re making a brick. PODCAST: @KarenFLeland 

If we move away from the dialogue of “It’s bad,” “it’s wrong,” “We should have done it a different way,” we actually move much faster. PODCAST: @KarenFLeland 

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