The article discusses the importance of spring cleaning not just for closets and desks but also for personal brands. It emphasizes the organic nature of brands and the need for regular review to prevent staleness. The author provides tips for giving your brand a refresh this season, encouraging readers to consider their brand’s evolution over time.

Every spring, I get an itch to go through my closets and rid myself of clothes that no longer seem to suit me. What begins as a sartorial purging usually expands into a clearing out and cleaning up of my desk drawers, computer desktop and office files. Over the last few years, I’ve expanded this list to include an annual spring-cleaning of my brand. Brands are organic — they grow and change over time. Without a regular review, they can become stale. To give your brand a good dusting off this season, consider the following:
This is a short excerpt from a blog post I did for Read the rest of the post.