The article underscores the importance of taking time off for personal branding, drawing insights from a conference experience. It contrasts the rejuvenating mindset of successful individuals at the conference with statistics on work-related interruptions during vacations. Offering reasons why time away benefits personal brands, it suggests exposure to new experiences, experimenting with self-expression, and learning from others’ presentations. The author advocates for embracing vacations as opportunities to refresh not only physically and mentally but also to revitalize one’s personal brand.

I recently returned from a conference that was wall to wall with smart, successful, type A movers and shakers from the worlds of government, academia, business, entertainment, the arts, sciences, publishing and social profit.
Being around all those high-powered brains made me mindful about how our personal brands — be we small business owners or award-winning academics — can benefit from vacations and time away to rest and renew, regroup and redefine who we are today.
These folks — as busy and in demand as they are — were for the most part not checking their iPhones under the table every 10 seconds during a speaker’s talk, and many were essentially off the technology grid for a few days. In short, they gave themselves the luxury to step back and think about the way they and others walk through the world, personal brand and all. In contrast, consider two studies out this June. The first from Career determined that:
- Three in ten workers contact work during their vacations.
- Twenty-three percent of workers reported at least once having to skip the family vacation to work, while their family went without them.
- Thirty-seven percent of employers say they expect their employees to check with work while on vacation.
And even for those who manage to wrangle some time away, how they spend it can have an impact on the degree to which they refresh.
Another survey by Cambria Suites reported that of all the respondents who have ever taken a family summer vacation, 65 percent of Americans say there is “nothing better.” However, 24 percent say they usually need a vacation upon returning from the group getaway.
This may be in part because that same research showed that kids ask their parents “Are we there yet?” an average of nine to 13 times during a seven-day trip, depending on the ages of the kids involved. As enriching as these family trips are, they can sometimes occupy our brains in ways that may not fully allow us to contemplate the bigger pictures of our lives.
Here are a few good reasons why taking the right type of time away might just be the best thing that ever happened to your personal brand.
Keep your personal brand fresh
Exposure to ideas, activities and other people outside your usual circle can stimulate your brain, give you perspective and provide you with an opportunity to learn and grow. Even activities that may seem irrelevant to your personal brand have the potential to grow it by broadening your horizons. In addition to being content worthy of tweets, blogs and other social media, those stretches make great small-talk starters, jumping-off points for deeper conversations, and fodder for presenting new ideas. Some ways to start the conversation include:
- I learned something interesting about myself this past week.
- I want to tell you about a new experience I recently had.
- I met a really fascinating person recently, and they taught me…
- I had an idea while away that I wanted to share with you.
For example: Last December, my husband and I tried out snuba diving on the island of Lanai in Hawaii. I’ve never been able to scuba dive since my claustrophobia has always gotten the better of me. But snuba diving involves shallower dives using all the usual equipment required for breathing under water, but places the air tank, connected via a long tube, on a float on the water above. The whole experience left me exhilarated, empowered and with a great metaphor to use with my marketing and branding clients about the power of finding options that utilize the best of both worlds.
Play with your personal brand
Time away, whether it’s for a conference or a cruise, invariably brings us face-to-face with new people who will predictably ask us, “What do you do?” Since we presumably never have to see these people again, it’s the perfect opportunity to try out a new way of talking about or expressing our personal brand. The ability to experiment with new ways of being — with very little at stake — can get us out of the rut of who we think we are and allow us the freedom to explore another side to our personal brands.
Learn from how others present their personal brand
In the same way that relative strangers can provide you with a place to try out your personal brand, being around others lets you learn from how they present themselves. Imitation is the highest form of flattery, so listen for how others share their ideas, present their accomplishments, or describe their passions. If you see something that inspires you and feels authentic, incorporate it at will.
One of my recent lessons in this area came from listening to the humble way a much-lauded and awarded particle physics scientist spoke about the power of teams — not individuals — to create breakthrough results.
So the next time you sit down to plan a weekend away or a summer vacation, remember: it’s not just your body and brain you’re rejuvenating but also your personal brand — it deserves a holiday too.
Karen Leland is a best-selling author, marketing and branding consultant and president of Sterling Marketing Group where she helps businesses implement modern marketing, hone their business and personal brands, and create winning content. For questions or comments, please contact her at
I think this advice can carry beyond just holidays, I try and incorporate ideas from people constantly whether its out for dinner, drinks, meetings…if you see someone who makes it work, steal their ideas.
I have never worked for someone who expected me to check in on vacation, and I don’t think I ever will (or at least I wouldn’t stay long).
If you don’t have kids, vacations are even better.
When I’m on vacation, I’m on vacation, my wife would kill me if I wasn’t.
I like the idea of playing with your personal brand.
There is nothing better than a summer vacation, I should have been a teacher.
I actually ran across this guy on vacation who had this really dynamic answer to “What do you do?”, so I stole it.
People actually call in to work on their holiday?
What to do instead? Warrillow suggests removing yourself from the equation as much as possible by having your company specialize in doing one thing well (the book’s hero decides that his ad agency will focus exclusively on logo design), developing a clear and repeatable process (“our five-step logo design process”) and building a sales team ASAP (no one wants to buy a business where you’re the sole rainmaker). That’s great advice for entrepreneurs building toward a “liquidity event” — but, as Warrillow points out in a great interview with Tim Ferriss, it’s exactly the wrong move for professionals whose business and personal brands are more tightly entwined. That’s why the most important branding decision you’ll ever make is what type of personal brand to cultivate.