
Karen discusses leveraging Twitter for business growth, emphasizing its demographic reach and potential for brand building. Offering practical insights, she outlines key strategies for effective social media marketing through tweets, including fostering relationships, lead generation, branding, and consistency. This episode serves as a comprehensive guide to maximizing Twitter’s potential as a marketing tool, catering to various business needs and objectives.

“If you think of Twitter as just this 280-character kind of chit-chat where the majority of people post about a tuna fish sandwich they had for lunch, then you really need to think about it again.” Share on X

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Today Karen talks about tweeting your way to the top — how you can use Twitter to build your business, your book, or your brand online.
When you consider that 44% of Twitter users are between 18 and 34, that 69% are moms, and that 72% who follow a brand are likely to buy, it’s an opportunity you might not want to pass over. But like all social media, effectiveness boils down to a few factors that Karen breaks down in a comprehensive way in this short, informative episode.

Tips for Social Media Marketing Through Tweets

  • Relationships — Connect, expand, and maintain.
  • Generate leads and get attention — Twitter can give you access to people in your field, otherwise impossible to reach.
  • Branding and image building — Use Twitter to gain perspective on your own image.
  • Buzz and promo — It’s a great place to build some excitement over a new product.
  • Consistency is key — Posting should be done 2 to 4 times a day, 5 days a week.

Using Twitter strategically can be a real boon for your social media marketing – be it promoting a book, business, product, or brand. If you find that it’s a good fit for you but you’d like more information after listening in to this podcast, feel free to reach out to for a great little 30-minute audio workbook called Tweet Your Way to the Top.

About Karen Tiber Leland, Social Media Marketing Strategist 

Karen Tiber Leland is the founder of Sterling Marketing Group, a New York City branding, marketing, and color strategy and implementation firm helping CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs develop stronger personal, business, and team brands. Her clients include Cisco, American Express, Marriott Hotels, Apple Computer, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
She is also the best-selling author of nine traditionally-published business books that have sold over 400,000 copies and been translated into 10 languages. Her most recent book is The Brand Mapping Strategy: Design, Build, and Accelerate Your Brand. She regularly writes for and and has had articles published in Self, The Los Angeles Times, American Way, The Boston Globe, and many others.
Karen has spoken for Harvard, The AMA, Direct Marketing Association, and Stanford, among others. She has been interviewed on The Today Show, CNN, CNBC, and Oprah.
Get in touch with Karen on Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook

Resources for Brand Strategy, Personal Branding, CEO Branding and Marketing Strategy 

At SMG we serve clients across the United States, Europe, and Asia. Currently, we have 3 onsite locations:

  1. Looking For New York City Brand Strategy or Social Media Marketing? Book an Initial Consult 
  2. Want a Business Brand Strategy Session in Austin, Texas? Book an Initial Consult  
  3. Need Some Help with CEO or Personal Branding San Francisco Bay Area? Book an Initial Consult  

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